Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Christmas in Chicago

We headed on to Chicago after our nice visit in Michigan. We had a really good time there. Brianna really enjoys being at my mom's house because she has two cousins the exact same age as her. They have fun together. The whole Pedersen side
Brianna is not the only singer in the family...Alexis is practicing with her Uncle Scott!
Go State!
For those of you that know my mom this would not surprise you...but every year my mom is the children's director for all the grandkids as they attempt to act out the Christmas story in my parents very own living room. The three 3 years olds are usually the angels....probably because they are so angelic! The kids really have a great time doing it and it is always entertaining for the adults.

It snowed the day we were leaving to go home to Florida...this was my attempt to get the girls picture in the snow in Chicago!


Meghan said...

It's so fun to see pictures of the whole family! I'm sure you all had a blast!!

Wish we could have seen you while you were in town!! Looks like we'll just have to squeeze in a Florida vacation after the baby is born!!

Unknown said...

Ok, Jonathan and I were cracking up at your blog. I don't even know why - I love the one of the girls crying in the snow. I think that is a framer - also, Jonathan wants to know if Brianna had a body double for the paegent? The pics are great!!! :) I'm glad you updated - it was fun to see your family! Love you!